This week’s blog covers a topic our Sph2onge users just love- damp dusting! We love watching all the videos on Instagram of you using your Sph2onge to damp dust the house so please keep sharing them!
Between work, family life, friends and hobbies, finding time to clean can slip your mind and fall down the priority schedule. But, like it or not, cleaning need to be done, no one wants a dirty house after all, so how you can fit it into a busy life?
We all love our four-legged friends but whether its Charlie the pug or Bella the cat, they can play havoc with our cleaning routine.
One of the biggest problems that comes with owning a pet is the fur which sheds over surfaces and furniture so firstly, make sure your pet is regularly groomed and brushed to minimise the amount of fur they deposit...
One of the favourite tasks our customers say they use their Sph2onge for is dusting or damp dusting so why is dust such a pest and how can we best get rid of it?
We can all remember our parents nagging us to tidy our rooms, only now it’s the other way round! Unsurprisingly, just like we were, kids are often reluctant to do so. So how can we better encourage our children to help around the house?
There’s no denying it, cleaning can take up a large part of our daily chores. Laundry, washing up, dusting can all add up to several hours every week. But is there a best time to clean and how can you lessen the load?
A glass stove top can look sleek and stylish in your kitchen as well as doubling as extra counter space but they can be a devil to clean if food and dirt become stuck! Luckily, both your SPh2ONGE and cloth by SPh2ONGE can come in handy for this purpose.
What’s your favourite smell? Maybe it’s freshly-cut grass, the saltiness of the sea at the beach, maybe it’s even your favourite Zoflora! More so than other senses, smelling our favourite scent can trigger positive moods and release endorphins into our system.
As the sun comes out and the days get longer, what better excuse for spring cleaning. Mop the floors, throw open the windows and get your house in sparkling condition.
But as well as improving the appearance of our homes, spring cleaning is an excellent way to improve our health, both mentally and physically.