Sustainable Cleaning Tips

Sustainable Cleaning Tips

Sustainable cleaning is the process of using cleaning products or methods in a way that isn’t detrimental to the health of yourself, your environment, or resources. Living sustainably has become a big talking point throughout 2019 and will only continue to become more important as we enter the year as preserving the environment is an important talking point. Here is a selection of great tips to ensure that you step into the new year with a green footprint!


Look out for Labels

We have all been in the position where we are stuck in the cleaning aisle of the supermarket and don’t know which product is best. It’s not easy to decipher the labels into good and bad ingredients – so let’s make it simpler for you. Instead of reading through the small print just check for any logos on the bottle. Familiarise yourself with the logos for companies such as EPA, as well as the EcoLogo and the Green Seal. By displaying these logos on their products, it shows that the product is safe, eco-friendly, and sustainable – this means it’s best for you and your home!


Bulk Buy

2020 is the time for us to all be smarter, thrifty shoppers and save some money – those savings add up by the end of the year! When buying cleaning products such as detergents and all-purpose cleaners look for bulk options that are a much larger quantity in a bigger container. These are often the best value for money and produce the least amount of plastic waste as you less frequently buy the product, so waste less packaging. If you still want the convenience of your small household bottles just keep the large product in a cupboard and use it to re-fill your standard size product. This is great as you get more uses out of the small containers and reduce waste. It is important that if you have pets or small children to keep the cleaning products locked away as they can be dangerous if left accessible.


Re-use! Re-use! Re-use!

This is where our SPh2ONGE products really shine. Instead of having low-quality cloths and sponges that you frequently have to replace, invest in high-quality cleaning products that will last a considerable amount of time. This reduces waste and saves you money in the long run. Our SPh2ONGE is a perfect cleaning investment that can tackle all your spills and messes without needing a trip to the shop every couple of weeks! Another way you can re-use household items and re-purpose them is by turning them into useful cleaning tools. For example, you could use old toothbrushes to clean hard to reach small areas in your home – no extra cost! Another great one is using old t-shirts with polish to get a great shine on your home surfaces – again, it doesn’t cost a penny!

If you have any more great sustainable cleaning tips then let us all know in the comments!


  • Thanks for this its good to have a refresh every now and then as what is right today may not be right tomorrow. So thanks for the eco refresh

    Gail Tuff
  • Loved this, its great to read things like this to just make sure your still doing the right things as we all know how quickly things can change and whats good today may not be as good tomorrow so thanks for the eco refresh

    Gail Tuff
  • Love the sponges

    Mary Wyatt

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